(gratuitement) Paracanthurus hepatus serche pour une bonne maison

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Enregistré le :mardi 23 août 2016 à 18:02
(gratuitement) Paracanthurus hepatus serche pour une bonne maison


Messagepar Bob1 » mardi 23 août 2016 à 18:37

Dear Forum

I have 1 x Paracanthurus hepatus (Regal Tang) of about 8-10 cm in size which I would like to donate to somebody free of charge. The fish is in perfect health. I would never of bought this fish in the first place due to my tank size however I actually saved this fish from a local fish store as it was on the verge of dying due to bullying of other fish in a very small tank.... so I took the challenge and put her (??) in my tank and I have nurtured her for about 4 months already and "she" is a beautiful specimen to which we have grown very fond to. she has drastically increased in size in the last few months

For info, she is currently in a 240 liter tank but I get the feeling that she is starting to require a bigger tank. I would like to give this fish to somebody who has a well maintained tank in excess of 600 liter's, free of charge, should you be interested please send me the specs of your tank and maybe a few photos and we can discuss on how to get her to you.

Attached is a photo of her...

looking forward to your response.... email : africanoryx@gmail.com
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Re: (gratuitement) Paracanthurus hepatus serche pour une bonne maison


Messagepar Ridgeway » mardi 23 août 2016 à 23:01

Hi Bob1,

There is a chance that I may have an Interest in this fish as I am currently Investigating adding a Regal tang into my system. Where are you located ?

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Re: (gratuitement) Paracanthurus hepatus serche pour une bonne maison


Messagepar mitch1217 » dimanche 28 août 2016 à 3:22

Bonjour je serais très intéresser part votre hepatus je vous donne mon num 0791545040 j ai un bac de 1 500l

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Enregistré le :mardi 23 août 2016 à 18:02

Re: (gratuitement) Paracanthurus hepatus serche pour une bonne maison


Messagepar Bob1 » dimanche 04 septembre 2016 à 10:47

Deal All

The Regal Tang has found a Great Home..

Happy reefing

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